On Sunday Gasant Abarder was part of thousands of spectators who went to watch the Palestine national side play an exhibition match at the Athlone Stadium. The tieties, ...
Last week we were reminded what it means to be a South African when our government took Israel to court for war crimes, writes Gasant Abarder.
Tapping, scanning and swiping is the new currency that was once dominated by banknotes. But the reality for the majority who live in Cape Town is that cash is their ...
We were performing acts of worship on the very grounds that our slave ancestors would have been sentenced to death for doing. Not tonight; in a free South Africa, ...
I love Ramadaan. It is a time to step back, reflect and consider those less fortunate – through fasting, doing charity and acts of worship. But, like everything ...
The Muslim Judicial Council’s fatwa on homosexuality had less to do about faith and more about leadership, writes Gasant Abarder
Most people have their lives together by the age of 28. We have cut you enough slack, South Africa, over almost three decades. You owe it to all of us to grow up, ...
Most people have their lives together by the age of 28. We have cut you enough slack, South Africa, over almost three decades. You owe it to all of us to grow up, ...
Ramadan Kareem, blessed Lent, Happy Easter, Ram Navami blessings and Chag Sameach. We are truly blessed in Cape Town to have an interfaith community that can harness ...
OPINION: The Cape Argus has provided UWC with a copy of communication by Sinazo Raphahlela. The UWC’s Gasant Abarder writes that this communication contains a plethora ...
Former editor of the Cape Times and Cape Argus, Gasant Abarder, remembers Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu’s love for children and his animated speeches.
OPINION: The heavy load we’ve carried since the pandemic started has brought home just how petty, transparent and basic politicians are. The electioneering has been ...
OPINION: Gasant Abarder ponders why we can’t just stop playing the race card and get along with each other.
IOL and the University of the Western Cape (UWC) team up to bring you #VaxxFacts – everything you wanted to know about the Covid-19 vaccine but were too scared to ...
OPINION: At 3. 39am on Friday morning of August 6 the symptoms arrived. I then knew why this variant was called Delta. As in Delta Force, featuring Chuck Norris, ...
Before Covid-19, we had tasted freedom, but were we really free if most of the citizens of our beautiful country live in abject poverty and women and children live ...
The greatest show on earth is here: the World Cup 2018 in Russia. Can you feel it? Erm, ja, not so much here at home, because Bafana Bafana are not there.
There was a brief period in the mid-1980s when the rural town brought to life what the Freedom Charter meant by the ideal “The People Shall Govern. ”
Lukhanyo and Abigail Calata earned my utmost respect when the saga known as the #SABC8 unfolded.
During the SA/Aus Test match at Newlands, a battle between a food truck owner and a City of Cape Town official was raging on the sidelines.
The marathon speech set the agenda for the week of plenaries and sittings to plot the next five years of political governance of China.
Brics, of which South Africa is a key member, is one of the drivers of co-operation between China and the developing world.
Jonathan Shapiro was once one of the most incisive, astute political commentators we had, but recently he has become lazy and callous.
Shemeeg Salie gives part-time rider Gasant Abarder a master class to help conquer his fear of Chappies and Suikerbossie.
Gasant Abarder had given strict instructions: he wanted authentic pieces putting the voices of the homeless people first. And then he met Danny Oosthuizen.