Chef Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen has written his latest cook book, Klein Jan Cookbook - A Memoir of the Tables From My Childhood and My Journey to the Kalahari ...
No phones, emails, deadlines or demands, and a tranquil comfy spot to escape with a book: what more could one want while on holiday?Here’s a guide to some of the ...
End of life. We’re all helplessly trapped. Seduced, sucked in, oblivious, with little hope of escape the lure of shopping till we drop the planet in the trash.
Couch exclusive: a breakthrough insight into South Africa’s influence and biggest export ‒ cadre deployment.
We’ve had a couple of dingy weekends, great for curling up on the couch with the thunder-sedated dogs and some terrific just-in-time-for-Christmas or summer holiday ...
It is clear why birds outlived the dinosaurs: the dinosaurs probably jumped off the edge of the world to get away from the damned pterodactyl chick screaming for ...
Today’s feature on a historic Durban landmark focuses on the Manor House in 14 Nuttall Gardens, Morningside. Its porticos and colonnades were designed in a Revived ...
Top of the list of things to grab in an emergency is your ID book.
‘Little’ Leila is giving the couch residents a bit of trouble. She’s big, powerful, cute and has no shame. Just like a public figure who’s been caught in a nefarious ...
Bugs, bruh. If they’re not in the pillows, they’re whizzing around in the air looking for new homes.
The couch scientific research council has many valuable, highly respected – and some downright dodgy – sources.
Our current pack has all the welcoming features of Cerberus, the multi-headed hound of Hades who keeps mortals out of the Underworld in Greek mythology.
The road paved with good intentions has washed away. Down the drain and into the sea, accompanied by the blood of self-flagellation and an oil slick that rivalled ...
When one lazy plan fails, it’s time for a better one.
We absolutely love the Ig Nobels. They are awarded every year at about the same time as the real Nobels for achievements that “first make people laugh, and then ...
Finding tranquillity in the bottom of a pot is better than looking for it in a bottle.
Begging for something with desperation: your vote. Not on behalf of anyone, but so we can all lay our cards on the table and know where we stand with each other. ...
The couch loves a happy story, especially one that involves dogs. We were overjoyed when this one dropped unexpectedly into our WhatsApp box.
We should consider that we do not always see someone’s grief, and try to be more gentle and kind in general so that life will smile, maybe not as brightly as before, ...
The unlikely comparison of our body politic and the solid union in our pack came up with the introduction of a new kid on the block, causing utter chaos.
While we sink in outrage, fear and uncertainty in the Saffer sewer of corruption, politics, politicians and criminals, sometimes one and the same, it’s stories like ...
Muscle memory is a wondrous thing until it gets amnesia. Then it can be a painful condition with serious consequences.
Back when we had a two-pack, the couch was but a single armchair, a refuge from the TV and tense motherly challenges of raising a teen.
This may be just hair but a word to the wise: if you’re considering changing things, look out for the sharp teeth of unintended consequences.
Saffers are so accustomed to being lied to, placing their trust in organisations and entities only to have it shattered, that most of us don’t believe a thing anyone ...