Photo by Margarita Zueva on Unsplash
If you've recently noticed your hair that is damaged , dry, lifeless, with split ends and a lot of frizz, you probably need a dose of moisture and nourishment that can well be achieved by using natural ingredients. Some ingredients like oatmeal , coconut milk and rice water contain a lot of good properties for your mane that can radically transform its appearance if you learn to take advantage of them. How?
Do not look any further! Here's how to prepare an oatmeal conditioner for damaged hair and all the benefits you will get from applying it. Go through all the ingredients and follow each step to the end!
The benefits of using oatmeal conditioner
First of all, we have to talk about the importance of applying conditioner in every wash. The conditioner - whatever you use - seals the cuticles or the outer layer of each hair , managing to keep moisture and nutrients in the internal fibers so that the hair looks shiny and without frizz. In addition, it makes the mane detangle and handle more gently, leaving it soft and protected from the outside.
Regarding the benefits of oatmeal on the hair , when the grains are crushed into a finely ground powder suspended in liquid, they are transformed into colloidal oatmeal, which has been found to be good at preventing the skin - and in this In the case of hair - lose excess water, while maintaining a normal and clean pH, "thanks to the presence of saponins that have soapy activity," according to Healthline . As if that were not enough, it is rich in antioxidants, ferulic acid and vitamin E that fight the oxidative damage of the mane.
By combining the properties of the conditioner and the benefits of oatmeal , we obtain a foolproof remedy to repair the appearance of damaged hair .
How to prepare the oatmeal conditioner?
If you want to test its power, we share two recipes that will make your hair more beautiful and softer than ever:
-⅓ cup finely ground oatmeal
-½ cup rice water (recipe here)
-4 tablespoons coconut milk.
Add all the ingredients to the blender until well incorporated. Then, put it in a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
The shortest recipe, but just as effective and that you can make in record time, consists of blending 3 tablespoons of ground oatmeal , along with ½ cup of water and 3 tablespoons of your regular conditioner, and letting it rest in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. This preparation will serve you to wash 2 to 4 times depending on the length and density of your hair .
How to use oatmeal conditioner on hair?
For both recipes, all you have to do is shampoo your hair as usual, rinse with lukewarm water, and apply conditioner from medium to ends. Remember that the ideal amount should be the size of two cherries if your hair is medium. Wait 3-5 minutes for the oatmeal conditioner to do its job, then do a final rinse with water that's colder than lukewarm.
To complement your hair routine and combat the damaged look, remove excess water with a microfiber towel, let the rest air dry and apply a serum, oil or nourishing treatment that provides extra protection to your hair .
Things to consider when using oatmeal conditioner:
-The conditioner lasts in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. After that time, you will have to prepare more.
-You can use this remedy once or twice a week and alternate the rest of the days with your regular conditioner .
-This conditioner is not a leave in , it must be rinsed off. -When making it, try to use fresh ingredients and not those that you have stored for months in the pantry.
-Apply the amount indicated, no more and no less to make it work, without saturating the hair .
This originally appeared on Glamour Mexico.
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