The Central Energy Fund (CEF) and its subsidiaries operate as a multilateral force in the energy landscape - uniquely securing energy solutions for South Africa.
DESPITE unprecedented global challenges, the Central Energy Fund (CEF) group is guided by its newly adopted “strategic investor” strategy and continues to steer its course with resilience and determination.
The repositioning of the group marks a strategic milestone that aligns with the evolving energy landscape and its growth agenda. This strategy is geared to position the CEF and its subsidiaries to operate as a multilateral force in the energy landscape, while uniquely securing energy solutions for South Africa.
The CEF is a state-owned entity incorporated to control entities within the energy sector with commercial, strategic, regulatory and developmental roles. There are five operating subsidiaries – the Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA), South African Gas Development Company (iGas), Petroleum Agency SA (PASA), Strategic Fuel Fund Association (SFF) and the African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (AEMFC). Among other corporate functions, the CEF also manages the equalisation fund on behalf of the government.
Given the rapidly changing energy landscape, the entity recognises the urgency to make swift and informed decisions to help the group proactively adapt, be innovative in its quest to ensure energy security and contribute to economic growth.
“Tasked with driving economic growth, the group has embarked on an aggressive acquisition strategy that focuses on growing the organisation’s energy projects pipeline. This will position the group as a credible energy investment company that will continue to invest in profitable growth opportunities across the energy value chain in southern Africa to fulfil its mandate,” said Dr Ishmael Poolo, CEF group CEO.
1. CEF increased its equity in the ACWA Redstone solar plant from 15% to 25%.
Located in the Northern Cape province, the 100MW solar plant is a first of its kind in Africa and is equipped with a 12-hour thermal storage system that will deliver clean and reliable electricity to about 200 000 households.
2. SFF acquired 50% equity in the BP Cape Town Terminal.
Through this asset, the SFF will also be able to import finished products to mitigate risks associated with product shortages due to lack of local refining capacity.
3. The acquisition of a further 60% equity stake in the assets of Avedia Energy by SFF.
This includes the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) terminal in Saldanha, Western Cape.
4. iGas and Companhia Mocambiçana de Gasoduto (CMG) acquired a 30% equity stake in the ROMPCO pipeline from Sasol.
5. The SFF and South Sudan Ministry of Petroleum signed an exploration and production sharing agreement for rights in Block B2 South Sudan.
6. PetroSA’s key turnaround initiatives are starting to yield positive results.
To improve group efficiency, in June 2020, Cabinet approved the request by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, under the stewardship of Gwede Mantashe, to merge three subsidiaries of CEF. The subsidiaries were iGas, SFF and PetroSA to establish the South African National Petroleum Company (SANPC).
A detailed baseline assessment on the implementation of SANPC identified around R1.5bn in cost synergy potential (roughly 8% of total cost today), typically achievable in three to five years. Therefore, selectively leveraging the asset base of the entities will position SANPC for significant growth, with about R95bn in market opportunity identified.
Overall, the CEF group recognises its pivotal role in driving economic growth and security of energy supply for South Africa.
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