fashion, photography, women, niquita bento, camera, creative Fashion photographer Niquita Bento, images by: Zander Opperman
In the world of photography, there's a common notion that the industry is fiercely competitive. Yet, one trailblazing photographer sees things differently. "My view on everything is 'it's always in my own space and my own pace,'" says Niquita Bento.
"I believe that the industry doesn't need to be competitive. I believe that there's space for everyone, and the more younger photographers, the better. We were also young and starting out and didn't have the same opportunities. Embracing this growth is crucial to where we are now. I fully support it—I'm here for it—and I'm focused on carving out my own path."
Cape Town's Niquita Bento is a well-known fashion photographer and creative director celebrated for her captivating visual storytelling and distinctive style. Starting her career as a style reporter for ELLE South Africa, Bento advanced to Creative Assistant before becoming the lead photographer for Conde Nast South Africa, working with Glamour and GQ. Her extensive portfolio spans major brands including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Adidas, Maybelline, Sunglass Hut and Nike, and her work has graced numerous magazine covers, editorial spreads and campaigns.
Bento says that the beauty of her career lies in the diversity it offers. "The upside of my career is the amazing people that I get to work with every day. Some of them have become my life-long friends. As well as getting to do something different every single day, getting to travel and seeing amazing spaces to shoot in—it's really a fulfilling job." However, she acknowledges the challenges as well.
"The only downside would be that professional photography is still seen as a male-dominated industry. Sometimes, as a female, you get overlooked. That can obviously be a struggle at times, but at the end of the day, your work should speak for itself."
Asked if age plays any kind of similar factor in the sense of being overlooked as women age, she says, "Maybe back in the day, but I think now the world is changing and the industry has evolved, there is space for different ages. It's also about normalising your own timeline and not comparing yourself to everyone."
While she avoids comparing herself to other people, she does admit that despite her successes, self-validation remains a personal struggle. "Because I am a perfectionist, I can be really hard on myself, so I do sometimes have to force myself to step back and be appreciative of the blessings and opportunities I have, instead of trying to tire myself to be the absolute best. It’s hard, but sometimes you just have to take a moment and acknowledge your achievements."
Maintaining a balance between professional demands and personal well-being is also something she has learned over time. "It can be very easy to get sucked into the industry with the busy hours and taking every job, but I think it's super important to take time out for yourself. Personally, it took me a long time to reach that space because it does benefit my work and myself. I love to sleep and that's very important to me, and recharging with friends and family. Travel is a massive inspiration for my work and for my well-being, so I try to travel as much as I can."
Asked about the nature of sometimes having to go along with professional pursuits that may not align with you entirely but make sense financially, she says that it kind of comes with the territory.
“We unfortunately have to do things that might not fulfil our passion but will be the bread and butter. And with the bread and butter, we are able to use those finances to create something that you're passionate about. So it's not always about getting to create work that you absolutely love but also getting to make clients happy and doing the best that you can in those jobs."
Last year, she celebrated the tenth year of her journey as a professional photographer. Of the progression of her career she says she was fortunate to get great opportunities that she took hold of, meeting a lot of people that also helped her on her journey. “I believe that always being nice to people and courteous of your environment will get you a long way. I remember my first editorial I ever shot, which was probably my first big job. It was super nerve-wracking but after doing it I realised, okay, I'm on the right path, this is everything I want to do and I'm happy.”
She takes inspiration from a few individuals but she highlights two women currently inspiring her. "I love Renell Medrano and Nadia Licoen, who are pushing the boundaries with image-making and are doing amazing things in the photographic sphere with regards to fashion.”
When it comes to career highlights, working with magazines stands out. "I've been very blessed with opportunities, but I think my biggest highlights would obviously be being able to work with magazines because I grew up being a massive magazine fan and I still am today. So I think getting to work on sets that I've always looked up to and was always interested in and being able to be part of that and to be part of a bigger picture is the most fulfilling thing,” says Bento.
Looking ahead, she dreams of expanding her horizons. "I would love to shoot more global covers and to be part of more global campaigns. I think that would be my next step - to branch a little bit more outside of the country and be a bit more global in terms of photography."
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