As we approach 2025, humanity stands at a crossroads, grappling with the consequences of climate change, war, and emerging pandemics. | geralt/Pixabay
We are on the verge of bidding farewell to the most brutal year in over a century, as nuclear war hangs over our heads. Future historians will record and remember the year 2024, when man ceased, to be the supremo of planet Earth.
Artificial Intelligence will direct world affairs in every direction. Cyber warfare will become the ultimate weapon of immense destruction. Hurricanes are lashing and mutilating our global coastlines, tornadoes are ripping apart our earthly habitats, earthquakes are toppling our homes, and volcanoes are threatening our fragile planet.
Forest fires are rampaging in many parts of the globe, locusts are sweeping across global farmlands in an epic orgy of destruction. Newly discovered medical viruses are silently decimating our kith and kin. Perpetual wars are exterminating us on a global scale, not pausing for a moment, as the warlords embark on an orgy of mindless destruction.
Pollution on land at sea and in the air is throttling us to death. We are entombed by our own inventions, and trapped in a death spiral, our final dance with death, oblivious of our fate.
We continue to amass sophisticated nuclear weapons, forgetting that these weapons are messengers of death, and who owe allegiance to nobody on earth. These weapons are blind to reality, immune to their consequences, utterly devoid of any rationale.
Terrorism, fascism, racism and naked religious hatred, continue to stalk, taunt and haunt mankind. Bloody global events have once again raised their ugly head, and have wreaked havoc without mercy. The world must remain resolute, staunch and unwavering in its stand against any form of hatred.
We are all reminded of the words of Haile Selassie who said: “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”
We are entering a new epoch in our history world history. Mankind has become debt slaves trapped in a never-ending spending spree, revolving around limitless credit availability. Scientists are predicting a new wave of pandemics to hit the world within the next five years, with potentially cataclysmic effects on the human race.
These emerging new viruses have already started to cut their lethal swathe through the world’s population.
In the George Orwell classic “1984”, there is a state of perpetual war between nations. The superpowers of today are addicted to regime change. Sooner or later one of them is going to blink in a nuclear crisis, atomic war will become a reality, and it will be the end of homo-sapiens on earth.
During the past 7 years, hundreds of thousands of people were killed in major earthquakes around the world. In 2008, we witnessed 35 earthquakes of magnitude 6. In 2009, we recorded 52.
Within the next 5 years, we will witness a 9m earthquake somewhere in one of the most crowded cities on this planet. A megaquake lasting 60 seconds or more, will cause destruction on a biblical scale. We are gazing into the abyss, and the abyss is gazing back at us.
FAROUK ARAIE | Johannesburg
***The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media or IOL.***
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