Author Shameez Patel Author Shameez Patel, from Goodwood, tells us about her latest book, Playing Flirty, which she wrote during lockdown.
Image: supplied
Lauren O'Connor-May chats to author Shameez Patel, from Goodwood, who has written her fourth book but first romance.
book cover Rose and William bond over a love of games and Comic Con in Playing Flirty.
Image: supplied
Tell us a little about yourself, your age (if you're comfortable telling us), where you live, what kind of work you do and about your family.
I'm Shameez Patel, a South African author (and qualified engineer) in my mid-thirties, born and bred in Cape Town.
Tell us about your writing. Have you always wanted to be a writer? Is writing your hobby, your dream job, or your side hustle?
I've been consuming stories for as long as I can remember. Twisting them and finding new ways to tell old stories and old ways to tell new ones was the next step. While I've always wanted to be a writer, I never imagined I would end up having books published. Until recently, writing felt like a hobby, but it's slowly sinking in that while it's still fun, it's also a job, and I should treat it equally.
Playing Flirty is your fourth book but first romance. What made you venture into the genre?
Playing Flirty was written before the fantasy trilogy, but the trilogy found its way to a publisher first. If you've taken a look at the fantasy trilogy, you'll quickly note the romance sub-plot is strong and impossible to ignore because I love love. I always have. It was only a matter of time until I found the right words to write the right romance (bit of a tongue-twister).
What inspired the story in Playing Flirty?
Rose, William and the rest of their game night group came to me during lockdown when I was isolated from friends and family. I think I wrote this book to live vicariously through them and escape what was undoubtedly a really bleak time. And that's the beauty of romance; it's escapism, and it brings joy.
How has the book been received so far?
It's hard to tell as I don't have access to my live sales, and I don't want access to it either, but judging from the messages I've received from readers, it's going well and it's doing exactly what I wanted it to: It's being a light, comfort read for anyone who needs it.
What made you decide to set the story in America?
An important part of the story is Rose's love for Comic-Con, and there was no doubt Rose would want to be near San Diego Comic-Con. I also feel like South African readers easily accept American settings, but internationally, I'm not sure how easily they would accept a South African setting.
How hard did you find it to publish a romance novel in South Africa?
Hard enough but not impossible. I chose to approach international publishers because I believed I would find an international (and local) audience.
Is there anything you would like to add?
It has been an honour and a pleasure bringing this story to life, and I am ever-grateful for both Forever and Jonathan Ball Publishers for coming on this journey with me and making it a reality. I hope the readers love it.
Follow Shameez on Instagram at @shameezwrites
• We have a copy of Playing Flirty to give away. Send your name, phone number and address to by midnight on Sunday March 23, with the subject line Playing Flirty to enter.
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