Tankiso Mamabolo and Kitso Seti in Common Ground. PICTURE: Imamaleng Masitha
Tankiso Mamabolo and Kitso Seti are teaming up for a brand-new production, Common Ground, a collaborative exploration using music, spoken word and randomly placed conversations between two friends, at the Baxter Masambe Theatre, until Saturday May 6, at 7.30pm.
They are joined on stage by two live musicians in a reflection of millennials who are quickly approaching 30.
Tankiso and Kitso have decided to come together to create new avenues for inspiration and find common ground. Performed in English, isiXhosa and seSotho, the duo look at the re-imagination of self in moving forward.
Both their respective art forms have been known to reflect or speak on societal issues affecting young black ambitious artists and themes around the ‘being of blackness’ and a young person in South Africa today.
Common Ground has an age restriction of 16 years. Tickets are R150 and booking is through Webtickets or at Pick n Pay stores.