Songs of Jacques Brel and Edith Piaf will be performed by Amanda Strydom and Andre Schwartz. PICTURE: Meghan McCabe
The show Brel/Piaf, which pays tribute to the musical works of Jacques Brel and Edith Piaf, is running at Theatre On The Bay in Camps Bay until Saturday June 11.
It stars Andre Schwartz and Amanda Strydom, accompanied on twin pianos by Coenraad Rall and Dawid Boverhoff and includes hits such as Seasons in the Sun, La Vie en Rose, Liefde van Later, Marieke, No Regrets and Paris Skies.
The show is suitable for all ages. Covid-19 safety protocols will be in place and the venue is limited to 50% capacity.Tickets cost from R200. Book through Computicket or call 021 438 3300.