Pupils perform in the 2019 Cape Town Marimba Festival.
The Cape Town Marimba Festival will take place on Saturday September 17 at the Baxter Concert Hall, at 7.30pm.
Performing this year are marimba bands from Bishops College, Bishops Preparatory, Cannons Creek, Edgemead High School, Forres Preparatory, Grove Primary, Herschel Preparatory, Herschel High, Micklefield Preparatory, Ned Doman High, Gleemoor Marimba Band, Parklands College, Pinelands High, Pinelands North Primary, Reddam College, Reddam Preparatory, Rustenburg Girls’ High, SACS High and Westerford High.
The festival is a joint venture between the Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival and Woodworx Marimbas with the funds raised supporting music projects in the community.
Tickets cost R120 for adults; and R80 for seniors, pupils and students. Book through Webtickets.
For more information contact Grant Adams 061 406 0279 woodworxmarimbas@gmail.com or Ann Barr at ctbigbandjazzfest@gmail.com or 082 451 3696.