NEW YORK — A fugitive from Indiana who was featured on “Tiger King” has been arrested in New York after flaunting photos of exotic animals at his sanctuary to someone who then reported him, officials said.
Timothy Stark, 55, was arrested on Thursday by Granville police, the Post-Star reported.
The person to whom Stark showed the photos conducted some internet research on him and discovered he had warrants for his arrest, Granville Sergeant Ryan Pedone said.
A lawyer who could speak for Stark could not be found. A post on the Facebook page for the sanctuary he founded, Wildlife in Need, said there is no evidence to support the allegations.
The Netflix series “Tiger King” follows the life of Joe Exotic, of the GW Zoo in Oklahoma and other collectors of exotic animals. Stark's sanctuary is in Charlestown, Indiana.
Stark lost his licence with the US Department of Agriculture in June after officials said he left animals without adequate care, food or water, WHAS-TV reported.
Chief Deputy Scottie Maples, of the Clark County Sheriff’s Department in Indiana, said Stark moved two dozen animals from his sanctuary before authorities could take them. Stark is also accused of threatening and grabbing a public official during an inspection of his property.
Stark awaits extradition proceedings at Washington County jail in New York before he faces battery and contempt charges in Indiana.
Authorities say that Stark told them that the contempt charge was the result of him swearing at a judge during a hearing. He said that the intimidation and battery charge is for poking a local prosecutor in the chest during a search of his property.