The Simon’s Town police station, in partnership with Business Against Crime Western Cape (BACWC), has relaunched the station’s victim-support room as a “victim-friendly room” (VFR). BACWC, a non-profit organisation, helped to raise money to upgrade the rooms at all 151 police stations in the province. Simon’s Town police station commander Captain Vishnu Pillay said volunteers at the room would help any victims of crime and he called on the youth to volunteer to work in the room. BACWC CEO Andrew Anthony said anyone could be a victim of crime and “we should not be silent about the abuse of women and children”. Entertainment was provided by the Red Hill Ladies Choir and the Simon’s Town School Choir. From left are, victim-friendly counsellor Tabby Quelch, senior admin clerk Nikki Olckers, Colonel Agnes Molotsi, Simon’s Town CPF representative Lindy Rich, victim empowerment programme representative Shawn Koen, Captain Pillay, Sergeant Henry Simons, Mr Anthony, Colonel Landela Pete and the Military Police Sub Lieutenant Kabelo Qhala.