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There has been an increase in theft out of motor vehicles in Table View, say the police.
According to the latest crime stats for July to September, Table View had 119 theft-out-of-motor-vehicle cases, up 61% from 74 cases during the same time last year.
The thefts are spread out across the suburb and are not confined to specific hot spots, according to Table View police spokeswoman Captain Adriana Chandler.
Table View Community Police Forum chairman David Harris said they warned the public regularly on social media about thefts out of cars.
Karen Davis, from the Greater Table View Action Forum (GTAF), said residents needed to shoulder some of the blame as they continued to leave valuables in plain sight in their parked cars.
More residents should also be joining neighbourhood watches to patrol their neighbourhoods as the police lacked resources, she said.
The City should also be doing more to cut back bushes, trees and long grass in some areas as criminals used them to hide.
“We have so many more serious incidences of crime that theft from motor vehicles is becoming a petty crime,” said Ms Davis.
She urged the community of Table View to be vigilant, especially at this time of the year.
Table View Ratepayers’ Association chairwoman Mandy da Matta said crime increased in the build-up to the festive season and the police were under a lot of pressure to combat different types of crime with limited staff and resources.
Captain Chandler said motorists should remove valuables from their vehicles when they parked and they should park in a yard or garage and activate their car alarms.
She also urged motorists to check their parked vehicle’s doors were locked before walking away; keep their doors locked while driving; stay alert to their surroundings; and drive to the nearest police station if they believed they were being followed.