A screen shot from drone footage showing a man in a red hoodie attacking several cars, smashing their windows, on the N7.
Motorists are thinking twice about using the N7 near Dunoon after shocking drone footage on social media last week showed a man in a red hoodie attacking at least four cars there in just six minutes.
That section of the N7, along with Potsdam Road and Malibongwe Drive, has long been a hot spot for freeway robbers who smash car windows to snatch valuables before darting off into the traffic and nearby clusters of shacks (“Fear and rage on smash-and-grab highway,” Tabletalk, March 20), (“Motorists warned of smash- and-grab incidents at Bosmansdam Bridge,” Tabletalk, January 19, 2013).
David Harris, chairman of the Table View Community Police Forum, said the drone footage should serve as a reminder to motorists not to leave their valuables visible in their cars.
“The incident was recorded by a drone by our safety forum due to the ongoing attacks and was recorded last Tuesday. The footage was given to the station commander of Milnerton SAPS as the N7 forms part of the precinct. Many motorists using the N7 to access Table View and surrounding suburbs have become victims,” he said.
Mayoral committee member for safety and security JP Smith said the City had contacted the owner of the drone footage.
"We'll use his footage as well, but, of course, that's only useful if the person is willing to testify because if you're going to use the footage, he would need to testify because the court would need to determine that it believes the footage has integrity and that it hasn't been tampered with.
“He would need to testify that he operated the drone and recorded that footage. So, part of the City's process when we use drones is that we comply with all the procedures for the digital evidence to be admissible in court, which includes testimony from the owner of the drone. This is always the challenge when using third-party footage."
Milnerton police spokeswoman Captain Nopaya Madyibi said they were investigating.
A 28-year-old man had opened an attempted theft case after a man had approached his vehicle and smashed one of its windows at a Malinbongwe Drive intersection in Dunoon on Tuesday at about 5.45pm, she said.
“The suspect fled the scene, and he is yet to be arrested.”
The video footage has now been shared by multiple accounts on Facebook and Twitter and viewed hundreds of times.
Table View residents like Ashley Pewtner are now thinking twice about using that section of road.
“The issue is that using the N7 to get to Table View, especially after work, is usually my quickest route home. And I have never had the experience of being pelted with rocks, attempted smash and grab, etc. But seeing this footage scared me so much. It can happen in a split second. The police really need to tighten the security on those roads. We can’t be living in fear like this.”
Table View police chief Colonel Tjikamba Mbangu said motorists should lock cellphones and other valuables in their car boots before setting out, and he warned that remote-jamming devices were also still be used at malls to steal from vehicles.
“Make sure that all the doors of your vehicle are locked by checking each door before you walk away. Do not leave laptops hidden underneath the front seats. Do not leave items of value in your vehicle.”
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