Mitchell’s Plain schools brought home marching and drilling competition trophies.
Four Mitchell’s Plain schools brought home trophies after competing against 48 marching and drill troupes in Gqeberha.
Spine Road High School, Beacon Hill High School, Wavecrest Primary School and West End Primary School, finalists in the SAPS Mitchell’s Plain schools’ marching and drill competition last year, participated in the 9th annual Eastern Cape Schools Marching Drill Competition 2024, a two-day event on August 17 and 18.
West End Primary School with the highest points was the overall winner out of 35 primary schools.
They won second place for grand march pass; second for exhibition; first for drumline; and first for drum major.
Spine Road High School won first place for drum major; second for grand march; and third for exhibition and drumline.
Beacon Hill High School won first place for grand march pass.
Wavecrest Primary school took second place for best dress.
The local organising committee (LOC), including police officers, Mitchell’s Plain Community Police Forum (CPF) members, neighbourhood watch members, coaches, teachers and MIDEA promotions’ team accompanied the close to 500 pupils who travelled by bus to Gqeberha.
They hosted representatives from Mitchell’s Plain schools at a celebratory evening at the Ghoema Theatre, in Bo-Kaap on Thursday August 22.
Captain Cornelia Louw, public relations officer of the LOC, said: “We are here to celebrate ourselves and thank our lifeline partners.”
Speaking to the pupils, she said: “You really made us proud. You worked together and you were disciplined.
Pupils shared their experiences, saying that they have learnt to be disciplined, balance their academic, sports and cultural activities and were proud to be part of the team representing the Western Cape.
The LOC and MIDEA promotions will be hosting the Cape Town Marching Drill competition 2024 at Goodwood sports facility, in Hamilton Road, on Saturday October 12, from 7am.
For more information, to donate and to participate email Captain Louw on
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