Westridge Library staff and Ward 81 councillor Ashley Potts opened a brand new toy library, a first for Mitchell’s Plain, on Monday October 7.
Westridge Library unveiled its brand new toy library on Monday October 7, a first for Mitchell’s Plain, much to the excitement of children from Toddlers Educare in Westridge.
Mu-izz Hendricks, senior librarian at Westridge Library, said he and his team hope to foster a sustainable programme of lifelong learning through the opening of the toy library.
“For the first time we are combining literature, reading empowerment, lifelong learning and toys, which is very exciting for learners as they grow up reading,” Mr Hendricks said.
The Westridge toy library was officially opened by Ward 81 councillor Ashley Potts, who officiated the cutting of the ribbon.
Children from Toddlers Educare performed two songs, followed by a book reading of the children’s story Mahalia the Rainbow Princess, which is inspired by five-year-old Mahalia Matthews of Eastridge.
“This is one of two special toy libraries in the City’s group of libraries for our district. The other one is in Crossroads. I want to commend Mu-izz Hendricks and his team for taking the bold step to open this toy library,” said Mr Potts.
Addressing the children from Toddlers Educare, Mr Potts added: “Our brains work in such a way that when we look at toys we see pictures. When you see pictures your brain develops a thought, and that thought has a message for you. So toys are very important for your development. I am very excited about this opening.”
The toy library has its dedicated area in the children’s section of the library, and will be made available to children on request from their parents, educare centres and schools.
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