Ethan Blake and Olivia Steenkamp have earned their Springbok badges.
The 2nd Hout Bay Sea Scouts group held a special ceremony at their scout hall last Friday to honour Ethan Blake, 18, and Olivia Steenkamp, 18, two recipients of the Springbok Award, the highest award a South African scout can earn.
Olivia attends the Bay Academy in Hout Bay while Ethan goes to the German International School Cape Town in Tamboerskloof. Both of them are in matric.
The ceremony was attended by family, friends, and fellow scouts and culminated in a celebratory campfire.
“Achieving the Springbok badge required Ethan and Olivia to complete several demanding tasks, including a 30km expedition, a three-day camp, a service project, and a construction or wildlife project,” said scout group leader Kate Couvaras.
“As the highest award in the scouting advancement system, the Springbok badge represents exceptional dedication, perseverance, and leadership. Ethan and Olivia are now the 21st and 22nd recipients of this prestigious award in 2nd Hout Bay’s history.”
Olivia said the award was more than just a new badge to add to her uniform.
“To me, it means that I have earned my place as a Springbok scout. I have shown that I am a capable young woman who can achieve my goals, and that I will not give up even when it looks like I might fail. That I can be myself and not compromise my values while the world throws unforeseen challenges at me. Every time I feel low, or hopeless, I will remember what I have achieved.“
Ethan said he had started tackling the Springbok badge at the beginning of the year.
“It was very challenging to balance completing all my requirements for Springbok while maintaining high grades. Because of this, it means the world to me to have achieved the award.
“I found the different and diverse activities challenging and exciting, such as organising a three-day camp where you facilitate the training of other scouts, where you have to organise the programme, accommodation, food etc.“
Olivia said planning a 30km hike in the Cederberg had been one of the more challenging aspects of the badge.
“However, what I found was the most challenging was being brave enough to ask for help. Asking for help is one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt from this experience,“ she said.
Ms Couvaras said: “The troop is immensely proud of Ethan and Olivia’s achievements, and their success serves as a powerful inspiration for the next generation of scouts. Congratulations to both on this extraordinary milestone.”