Dr EP Lekhela Secondary School principal Marcus Mgoboli, Sol Plaatje mayor Martha Bartlett, motivational speaker and education activist Murendeni Musanda Ndanduleni, Vodacom managing executive for the Central Region Evah Mthimunye, and Sol Plaatje municipal manager Thapelo Matlala. Picture: Benida Phillips
THE SOL Plaatje Municipality, in partnership with Vodacom and education activist Murendeni Musanda Ndanduleni from the Musanda Foundation, encouraged learners at Dr EP Lekhela Secondary School in Galeshewe to focus on their educational “swag”.
The guests visited the school to celebrate its outstanding 98% pass rate in the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations and to introduce Vodacom’s free e-learning platform. The school was crowned the best-performing school in Galeshewe for the 2024 matric results.
Sol Plaatje executive mayor Martha Bartlett applauded the teachers, staff and learners for their achievement.
“We are impressed that the Class of 2024 set the bar very high. Those learners did not focus on their environment. We expect the Class of 2025 to improve on those marks. This is an indication that achieving a 100% pass rate is very possible.
“The current Grade 12 class needs to break this current record and bring the school to a 100% pass rate, which will encourage all future Grade 12 learners at this school to maintain that standard,” said Bartlett.
“Should they make use of the e-learning platform from Vodacom, and with the assistance of their teachers, that goal will be very easy to reach. The e-learning platform is a wonderful secret weapon for every learner to have, to give them the advantage over their peers.”
Sol Plaatje municipal manager Thapelo Matlala, a former Dr EP Lekhela learner, urged learners not to let their circumstances limit their potential and aspirations.
“We are products of the community and I am a product of this exact school. This school has a very great legacy and has produced many learners who are occupying great roles and offices in the country,” said Matlala.
“We always have to plough back and support the communities, so we improve the social standards of life. This e-learning is a wonderful tool as it focuses on the learner and how they improve in their school work.
“This programme is data-free and learners can access it from anywhere. Learners will not have to struggle with data or airtime to access the platform. The study materials that are provided on the e-learning platform will improve the work the learners are doing.
“What is also commendable, is that this programme is not only exclusively for Grade 12 or high school learners, but also for learners in Grade R up until matric.”
The managing executive for Vodacom in the Central Region, Evah Mthimunye, highlighted that the e-learning platform is particularly beneficial for maths and science learners.
“Our e-learning platform will most importantly assist learners in STEM subjects, such as mathematics and science. This platform is zero-rated for Vodacom users so they do not need data to access the site. We want to encourage learners to pursue careers in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), hence we have experts who can assist with mathematics and science, which are subjects many learners shy away from. Teachers can even use the platform with their learners during extra classes,” said Mthimunye.
Ndanduleni shared his personal journey to inspire the learners.
“I grew up in poverty and as a young boy I always wanted to change my life. I refused to accept to remain in my impoverished position. I made it my mission to study hard. After I passed my matric, I went to study economics and worked as a financial analyst. I furthered my studies and kept pushing. I made a decision that I would make books my best friend, my girlfriend and my everything.
“I was a boy who used to sell tomatoes on the streets, but today I drive a luxury car with four exhaust pipes. I can proudly say that I am reaping the fruits of education, and the fruits are sweet,” Ndanduleni said to the cheering and applause of the crowd.
School principal Marcus Mgoboli reminded the learners that achieving a 100% pass rate is within reach.
“We achieved this pass rate last year through the hard work and dedication of all the teachers and staff and the commitment from the parents, as well as learners who attended the extra classes. It was a team effort and it was a huge success. We are now aiming to improve on that pass rate.
“The improvement is possible as the same teachers who taught the Class of 2024 are the same teachers who are teaching all of you. You just have to apply yourselves and give us your co-operation and we will be celebrating you too,” Mgoboli urged.
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