Residents are to put in their nomination for representatives to serve in new forum
SANParks is calling for nominations of representatives to serve on the soon to be established Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) Forum.
Acting head of communications at SANParks, Rey Thakhuli said the park forums are established to encourage the building of partnerships in support of natural and cultural heritage conservation goals of SANParks.
“They are a means of providing a legitimate platform to communicate park/SANParks/stakeholder issues, to ensure greater participation of stakeholders on matters of mutual relevance and to facilitate constructive interaction between the Parks and surrounding communities,” he said.
The role of the forum will be to, among others, facilitate constructive interaction and engagement between the park and stakeholders, and serve as a vehicle towards promoting strategic partnerships with stakeholders.
Those who are selected will be making a commitment to a two-year term and will be required to attend quarterly meetings.
Interested groups may nominate themselves or be nominated by others, by sending a motivation on email to
The nomination form to be downloaded through the SANParks website.
Deadline for nominations is Friday April 16.