The Matric Class of 2024 is facing mounting pressure as they await their matric results.
Image: Ian Landsberg/Independent Newspapers
As the Matric Class of 2024 eagerly awaits the release of their exam results, clinical and sports psychologist Dr Keitumetse Mashego has offered advice to learners, emphasising that the outcome does not define them.
Mashego encouraged learners to see failure as part of life’s lessons.
The highly anticipated matric results are set to be released next week on Monday, December 13.
For some of the learners, the mounting pressure is causing stress, anxiety and depression as they await their results.
While the Matric Class of 2023 achieved a pass rate of 82.9%, the attention is now focused on how the 2024 cohort will perform, adding more stress to the learners.
Overwhelming emotions, such as nervousness, fear and uncertainty are common as learners gear up to receive their results.
Speaking with IOL, Mashego underscored the importance of adjusting one’s mindset to cope with pressure.
She emphasised that worrying about the results does not at all change the outcome.
“Thinking of worst-case scenarios will not change the outcome. Also knowing that whatever the outcome, they can get the capacity to deal with it,” she said.
Mashego reassured learners that not achieving the desired results is not the end of the road.
Whether learners achieve distinctions or face disappointment, she emphasised that does not mark the end of their goals.
“Repeating or upgrading, or adding an extra year to the dream or not having “record time” or the results that they or caregivers hoped for, disappointed as they might be, is not the end and doesn’t define their life or them as human beings.”
Mashego offered practical advice on how learners can manage their fear and anxiety in the days leading to the release of their results.
She recommended focusing on the present, taking it “second by second” and practicing mindful breathing.
"Trust that whatever outcome, they will be able to cope,” she said.
Mashego encouraged learners to recognise their emotions such as anxiety, fear, worry, and to remind themselves that the emotions will pass.
“Overthinking will only create more stress,” she cautioned.
Mashego stressed the importance of visualising coping strategies and accepting whatever the outcome arises.
She also advised learners to manage external pressure from society, peers and family members.
“It’s important to speak with someone who hears you - an objective person who hears and supports you before results, even after the results.”
Mashego encouraged families to show compassion during this difficult time.
“As learners wait for their matric results, they must trust that they will handle whatever outcome comes their way. It won’t be easy, but it is possible. Families need to show that compassion,” she told IOL News.
When asked how learners maintain focus on their future goals and plans, despite uncertainty, Mashego recommended visualisation and planning.
“Be intentional about what comes next and have contingency plans in place until the results are out.”
She added: “University is not the only solution. Don’t look down on other professions or options.”
Mashego advised those who may not meet university requirements or achieve desired results not to throw in the towel.
“The aim is to achieve multiple streams of income. If you don’t succeed in your first option, focus on learning new skills until you reach your desired goal.”
Mashego encouraged learners to speak with someone who can assist them process their emotions and navigate the outcomes.
“This person can help you see the bigger picture and help you plan for the future,” Mashego concluded.
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