The Cape Flats Wellness Centre in Ocean View is offering community first-aid responder (Cfar) training in the area, and on Saturday August 12, instructors started the training at some of the flats in Milky Way. It is part of the emergency first-aid responders (Efar) model to bring medical care quickly to those who need it in disadvantaged communities. “Ocean View is divided into invisible gang lines, and people don’t cross those lines so I wanted to involve the entire community in the initiative and ask people to be on the lookout for Cfar volunteers and accommodate them in times of an emergency,” said Cape Flat Wellness Centre founder Aslam Richards. Some of those involved with the training, back from left, are Michelle Levendall, Kelly Terry, Diago George, Allistair Petersen and Alam Richards. Front: Gershwyn Levendall, Ricochet van Rensburg, Tyree Jacobs, and Siphelo Maputuma.