Members of the South African Navy Band entertain visitors at the annual switching on of the Christmas Lights in Simon’s Town at Jubilee Square on Sunday December 11.
VIsitors from far and wide filled Jubliee Square for the annual switching on of the Christmas lights.Firefighters from the Simon’s Town fire station accompanied the SA Navy Band to Jubilee Square. From left, are Siraaj Theneson, Raymond Abrahams, Ivan Walters, Donlyn Abrahams and Grant Jacobs.Ward councillor Simon Liell-Cock was the master of ceremonies for the evening and welcomed visitors to Jubilee Square.SA Navy Band director of music Commander Lindela Madikizela, far left, looks on as Lieutenant Tshegofatso Moholane and Seaman Christopher Nteseu perform.Father Christmas and his two elves, from left are, Teneille Francis, Gordon Slater and Samantha Chetty.Father Christmas arriving at Jubilee Square on a boat.The SA Navy Band in action.The SA Navy Band concluding their parade at Jubilee Square.People came from all over to see the Christmas lights.