Scores of dog owners and their dogs walked from Long Beach to Jubilee Square in Simon’s Town, on Saturday April 1, to celebrate Just Nuisance’s birthday. Picture: Keith Mellor
Mandy Turner and her Great Dane, Cilka, pose with Just Nuisance. Picture: Yolande du PreezMaster of ceremonies Simon Metcalfe, right, with Juliette Bass, left, who recalled travelling on the train with Just Nuisance and attending his funeral on April 1, 1944. Picture: Yolande du PreezGeorge Kessel and his Great Dane, Alya. Picture: Yolande du PreezNikki and Raphael Bornmann with Rosie dressed up for the occasion. Picture: Yolande du PreezCape of Good Hope SPCA fund-raisers Wendy Loots and Claudia Kocks. Picture: Yolande du PreezThe sculptor of the Just Nuisance statue, Jean Doyle, cutting the Just Nuisance birthday cake with Louise Paterson. Picture: Keith MellorThe Nelson Mandela Artillery Pipe Band with sculptor Jean Doyle and her Great Dane. Picture: Keith Mellor