In a historic move, South Africa launched a case last month at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel for what it said were "genocidal" acts in Gaza(Photo by HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP)
The National Association of Democratic Lawyers (Nadel) has voiced its full support of the case filed by South Africa against Israel for the crime of genocide in the territories of occupied Palestine.
In a historic move, South Africa launched a case last month at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel for what it said were “genocidal” acts in Gaza, seeking an emergency suspension of its military campaign.
Israel rejected the allegations of violating international law and dismissed claims of genocide, deeming them “outrageous and false”. Israel has since announced its intention to challenge the case.
Nadel secretary-general Nolitha Jali, issued a statement in full support of South Africa’s legal action.
Nadel said the indiscriminate killing, maiming and displacement of civilians in Gaza, most of whom are women, children and the elderly, the denial of basic human rights and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and the targeting and scale of the destruction of their homes, hospitals, schools and places of worship, constituted genocide.
Further, it said Apartheid Israel and those countries that supported it with military equipment, including the US, stand condemned. Nadel called for those countries to stop the genocide and make reparations to the Palestinians.
“Nadel fully supports the relief being sought by South Africa and in particular calls on the ICJ to order the immediate end to the genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinians,” it said.
“Our own colonial apartheid history in SA has sensitised us to the plight of the Palestinians’ and their suffering under the yoke of Israeli oppression, military occupation and genocide,” the association continued.
“The case has far-reaching implications and signals a decisive break for unbridled hegemony of Nazi-Zionism and its control over institutions which inflict fear and control over the marginalised and indigent in Palestine.”
Jali said South Africa had clearly chosen to be on the right side of history in one of the most important political issues of our time.
Jali and Nadel commended the South African government for its “principled stance in the face of powerful forces” and wished the legal team only the very best in the presentation of this important landmark case before the ICJ later this week.