Open manholes attract illegally dumped waste that can block pipes and cause flooding, says the City.
The City is urging the public to report missing or broken manhole covers to help prevent flooding on rainy days.
Open manholes attract illegally dumped waste that can block drains and cause flooding, warns mayoral committee member for water Zahid Badroodien.
Getting the manhole covers fixed or replaced quickly can help to avoid this problem, he says.
The City spent about R2.6 million replacing more than 4900 manhole covers from July 2021 to May 2022 - an increase on the almost 3 400 manhole covers reported missing for the previous financial year.
Residents who report information that leads to the recovery of stolen municipal equipment or the arrest of those responsible are eligible for a R5000 reward, says Dr Badroodien.
Visit for tips on how to prevent blocked sewers.
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