Clive Jacobs, Lavender Hill
I attended the memorial service of Kylie Adams, one of the boys who was murdered in Hillview, (“Dark weekend for Hillview and Seawinds”, Southern Mail, Wednesday, April 17).
The father of the other victim, Adrian Barnes, moved mourners with his tribute to these two strong, amazing friends. He had me in tatters describing how the two of them needed to see one another every day and spoke about how they supported each other.
The memorial was attended by families and communities from afar. I attended as I feel strongly about the murders of members of the LGBTQ+ community. Those thoughtless gangsters senselessly killed them but their memories will forever be in our hearts and minds.
I noted his family loved him a lot. Mr Barnes, the father of Adrian Barnes, also had us all in stitches when he spoke about the great friendship the two boys had but through all that he hid the sadness about all that we are going through in our community and how we are losing our future leaders.
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