The cubs and scouts started their heritage walk at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Rhodes Drive. Picture: supplied
Julia Myburgh, pack scouter 1st Naruna and Constantia Scout Group
This year the National Challenge for cubs and scouts is “heritage”.
The 1st Naruna and Constantia Scout Group took this challenge up on Saturday February 1 and walked from Rhodes Drive to the Liesbeeck River Upper Garden.
We started at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Rhodes Drive, which was built in 1864. The people from Protea Village worshipped there until 1968, when the last residents were evicted under Apartheid. On our return, the church was open and we got permission for the cubs and scouts to go inside.
There is a wild almond tree on their property. The first recorded human death by poisoning was in 1655 when one of Jan Wintervogel’s expedition members ate too many bitter almonds.
Walking down Kirstenbosch Avenue, we saw the construction site for Protea Village – the land that has been returned to the evicted families.
At the Liesbeeck River Upper Garden, we enjoyed some snacks, played and explored. Tadpoles and frogs were inspected and returned to the water.
On our return walk, one of the three stone cottages opposite the church was open. The cubs and scouts were fascinated to see a picture of the person who first lived there.
The cubs, scouts and their parents who joined our hike learned a lot about our heritage.
If you would like your child to join 1st Naruna and Constantia Scout Group, contact 082 572 2516
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