Martin Scholtz, FOSNA committee member
On behalf of the Friends of Silvermine Nature Area (FOSNA), we would like to acknowledge the support provided to the Lower Silvermine Wetland Area in recent months.
The City of Cape Town's coastal management and recreation and parks directorates are working together to apply and compact new laterite on the wetland paths.
The expanded public works programme teams cleared the reeds away from the pipe bridge between Fish Hoek and Clovelly, as well as other areas of wetlands, in anticipation of dredging that we hope will materialise in the new financial year.
Lamitall and ZipPrint have assisted with printing of new signage again as well as reprints of old signage in the wetlands, ensuring that the area is a place of learning.
Teams of volunteers (between 20 and 30) have joined our work parties every quarter to assist with basic maintenance of the wetlands for two hours on a Saturday morning. Your assistance really helps maintain it as a place of appreciation, learning, and ecological significance.
It is the collective effort of all of us that helps maintain this space as an important asset in this part of the city. Those who are keen to join a WhatsApp group that provides informative updates on the Silvermine Wetland Area are welcome to contact Martin at 083 461 3840.