Menopause has finally hit the headlines. Halle Berry has developed a new lubricant range. Picture: File
By Sharon Gordon
Menopause has finally hit the headlines. Halle Berry has developed a new lubricant range, Oprah is talking about it and many of us are, I hesitate to say, suffering from it. It’s not enough that during our fertile years we have a period every 28 days with hormones bouncing all over the place, but when that’s over, our hormones bounce in a different direction, and we go through menopause. Sigh.
One of the symptoms of menopause is dry and thin skin. Not one part of your body is exempt, including your vagina. While the vulva (the part of the genitals you can see) does not change in appearance or wrinkle, the vagina (the inside bit of your genitals that you cannot see), is profoundly affected.
If you were to cut open the vagina of a young woman, the lining will resemble a minute steak. Someone my age, the wall will look like a thin tissue. This can cause pain during intercourse.
The technical term is Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GMS).
Another part of this symptom is continuous bladder infections. If you’ve ever had one, you will know how uncomfortable and painful it is.
You don’t go ‘though’ menopause, you enter it. It’s a part of a female’s life and it cannot be stopped, but it can be managed.
Modern science is a wonderful thing. We still haven’t done enough research on women’s health. Think about it, the clitoris was only mapped about 30 years ago!
There are many remedies and treatments for menopause. Personally, I take a pill because I couldn’t be bothered with trying anything else. You need to find the solution to what makes you feel good.
There are topical hormones available. It is an oestrogen therapy and can be used along with HRT. They come in the form of creams, tablets or rings and are prescribed by your doctor to replenish local oestrogen levels. This in turn improves elasticity and moisture, making intercourse a lot more comfortable.
Not attending to the thinning of the vagina walls, and not using lubricant can lead to tearing of the walls. It’s extremely unpleasant and painful.
You can also take a daily Probiotic. Decreasing oestrogen alters which vaginal bacteria can thrive. This can lead to irritation, infections, a change in smell and bleeding from those small tears I mentioned. Look for a product specifically designed to boost the flora and promote an environment that is less susceptible to urinary tract infections. This is available over the counter.
There is new technology around. It’s like a facial for your vagina. These include the use of lasers, radio frequency with or without micro needling. It has the same effect as on your face. It encourages the collagen to bump up production.
It’s an interesting experience. The gyno on steroids.
The quickest and easiest solution to more comfortable penetrative sex is lube.
It makes everything more fun. I use lubricants from the Pjur range. I consider it liquid gold. If you’re already suffering, try Pjur Repair Glide. Designed especially for this reason.
Pjur Woman Aqua and Pjur Woman, a silicone-based lubricant are also fabulous. This brand never goes sticky! The silicone versions remain slippery for ages and the water-based versions can be revived with a drop of water (or spit).
They are a bit dear but worth every cent not only because of how wonderfully they work, but also because you use so little at a time that it outlasts the cheaper lubricants. In addition to the changes to the vagina wall, you also have to keep exercising your Kegel muscles, also known as your PC muscles. If you don’t know where they are, the next time you go to the loo, try stopping your urine stream. The muscles you use to do that are the muscles you need to exercise at least three times a week, if not every day.
A cheat way to do this is to wear Kegel balls. They are also called Benwa balls or vagina balls. They are first mentioned in Eastern writings about 3000 years ago. They are dumbbells for your vagina. Start using them for 2 hours a day, three times a week. Always wear them with panties because they can slip out during your grocery shop. You will thank me later because as you age, skipping, laughing and sneezing can make you leak urine and that is just not sexy.
You can find a variety of these balls on the Lola Montez Website
Joining a Pilates class will also help strengthen all these important muscles.
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