Pictured are representatives of various sporting bodies who helped compile content for the upcoming SA Sporting Legends Expo at the Castle of Good Hope.
The Muslim Heritage Museum of South Africa (MHMSA), in association with the Castle of Good Hope and Cape Town Sport Council, will host the SA Sporting Legends Expo at the Castle of Good Hope on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 5, 6 and 7. The event will include sporting exhibitions, a variety of vendors and food stalls and entertainment. Tickets to the castle cost R25 for adults and R15 for children older than 7. Pensioners and children under 7 enter free.
The exhibition is designed to be more than a mere display of memorabilia, says Fadia Mohamed, a museologist and one of the founding members of the MHMSA.
“It promises a dynamic experience with a diverse range of sporting exhibitions, interactive activities, and cultural displays. Attendees can anticipate not only a celebration of sporting prowess but also insight into health and wellness organisations that accompany a life dedicated to physical excellence,” she said.
For more information, call 079 745 1885.