Pictured are the young sailors set to take part in the Optimist African Championships. From left, are, Alex Falcon (Manager), Max Malan (14), Jens Dugas (14), Josh Keytel (14), Scarlet Celliers (15), Faith Lyons (15), Ben Henshilwood (11), Michael Mukheiber (11), Ross Mukheiber (14) and Arin Long (Coach).
False Bay residents may have noticed some little sailors in the bay this past winter.
They showed up every weekend since June, often brazing the incessant winter storms, all becoming hardened sailors for it.
This group, led by coach Arin Long and their manager Alex Falcon, is the South African team for the upcoming Optimist African Championships, by the International Optimist Dinghy Association, to be held in the Seychelles between Saturday September 14 and Saturday September 21.
False Bay Yacht Club has generously made their facilities available as a training location. This sea experience will be invaluable when competing against 92 other young sailors from 20 other countries.
The Optimist dinghy is one of the smallest internationally recognised dinghy classes and the second most popular (sailed in over 120 countries). Sailors up to the age of 15 can compete on these iconic boats.