Renee Cupido driving a 3.15 bus in the Bay to Bay 30km race.
Runners from different clubs in the southern suburbs did not miss out on this year’s Bay to Bay 30km and 15km races along the Camps Bay coastline.
Renee Cupido driving a 3.15 bus in the Bay to Bay 30km race.Craig Petersen is all game as he lets his feet do the talking.Zubeida Lippert of Celtics Harries among the 30km runners.Some were comfortable on the road while for others it was a test of their endurance. From left are Lauren Kansley, Rochelle Elias and Ryan Cherry giving it their all.The weather was perfect and Mogamat Mia gives the race a thumbs up.In front are Itheko’s Faeza Petersen, Aslam Galantand Rayhana Karlie guiding their own bus.Fatima Nieuwenhuis has her eye focused on the road ahead.Russell Grebe does not seem to be having any struggles during his run.Running on the coastline in perfect conditions left Myron Jardien looking cool.