Kimberley Boys’ High School Picture: Facebook
BY NOW all of Kimberley probably knows that on Friday, February 14, at 5pm, the Sol Plaatje University’s (SPU) Gemmies will compete in their first Varsity Shield match, taking on the University of KwaZulu-Natal at the Suzuki Stadium.
This is a huge occasion, not only for SPU, but for Kimberley itself. The Varsity shield is a big occasion, and as such, a huge turnout is expected at the stadium for this match.
What many Kimberlites may not know though, is that Kimberley Boys’ High School (KHS) has been honoured to be invited to play the curtain-raiser game against Wildeklawer. This match kicks off at 1.30pm, so for those who can make an excuse to get to the Suzuki Stadium early, this will be worth it!
KHS made an appeal for the parents to join the occasion, decked out in the school’s colours: “Join us, clad in black and white sports attire,” the invitation reads.
Think about it, the Gemmies will only ever play their first Varsity Shield match once, and therefore KHS will only play a curtain-raiser to a historic event once … that’s why Kimberlites, not only parents, are invited to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.
On Thursday morning, the Gemmies team were at KHS to distribute match tickets to ther students, and amongst the ranks of the SPU team was none other than KHS Old Boy Luyanda Sali, who was 1st XV Captain back in 2022.
The school has committed to converge on the Suzuki Stadium on Friday and boost the festive atmosphere of the historic occasion, setting the atmosphere at the stadium to overload! The KHS band, Gwijo singers, and Spirit Builders are primed to ignite the excitement, so you don’t want to miss this.
The school sent out this simple challenge: “Let's bring the vibe!”
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