NO BONES ABOUT IT Former UFC champion Conor McGregor spat in the face of a rival fan in a video captured on X. Original image: Xavi Bonilla / Xavi Bonilla / DPPI via AFP
Image: Xavi Bonilla / Xavi Bonilla / DPPI via AFP
Conor McGregor was caught on camera spitting in the face of a rival supporter in the latest controversial incident involving the former UFC champion.
The man who was a supporter of McGregor’s fierce rival Khabib Nurmagomedov was taunting the Irishman, but surely did not anticipate his reaction.
The man was shouting ‘Let’s go Khabib’ as McGregor walked past in what appeared to be a mall or hotel.
McGregor then turned around, slowly walked up to the smiling fan ,before he could be heard spitting on the man.
As he walked away, McGregor said: “I spit in your face. What you do? Nothing?”
What did McGregor expect the man to do? No person in their right mind, except perhaps another UFC fighter or someone with a death wish, would retaliate.
Any kind of retaliation would likely have resulted in the man being severely beaten and possibly maimed for life.
It just shows the kind of narcissistic, bully mentality of McGregor to think he has the right to abuse someone physically like that. He would have known full well, that the man would either do nothing or react, and then McGregor would have felt justified to retaliate violently.
This is also a man, no surprise, who was found guilty of sexual assault in November last year. McGregor said he planned to appeal the decision, but was also forced to pay the victim R4.8 million - which would not have even left a dent in his bank balance.
McGregor was also convicted and fined (R19,000) for punching a man who rejected his offer for a drink in a pub in Dublin in 2019.
Just last month, the 36-year-old, called for the USA to adopt a harsh stance on foreign nationals in the country and voiced his support for US President Donald Trump.
In a Facebook post after attending Trump’s inauguration, McGregor said: “Restoring and maintaining security of nation is of thee utmost importance!
“The be all, end all. SECURE YOUR NATION! I am here watching, learning, and representing for Ireland. Ireland and its human trafficking racket needs absolute dismantling! It is a breach of our security and our sovereignty.
“Deport. Deport. Deport! Good luck USA, the world is watching in support!”
* The views expressed are not necessarily the views of IOL or Independent Media.
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