Tennis player, Taylor Fritz's girlfriend, Morgan Riddle detailed a few harrowing travel experiences.
Image: Instagram.
As the girlfriend of the world's No. 4 tennis player Taylor Fritz, Morgan Riddle’s life is often perceived as a series of glamorous travels and picturesque moments.
However, the 27-year-old content creator and fashion influencer recently gave her followers a candid look at the darker side of life on the move, recounting a series of harrowing travel experiences that would make even the most seasoned jet setters shudder.
In a series of nostalgic Instagram Stories, sparked by a minor mishap where her hoodie was almost lost to an X-ray machine, Riddle launched into a litany of "not-so-glam moments of travelling" that she has endured over the last few years.
"My hoodie got sucked into the X-ray at TSA this morning and it reminded me of a few years ago when one at JFK ate my shoe and we looked for it for 30 mins ... and then I had to do a 10-hour travel day with a singular shoe,” Riddle shared.
The hoodie that was almost lost to an xray machine.
Image: Instagram.
Among her travel tribulations, Riddle recounted a series of unfortunate events including bouts of food poisoning in Paris, Melbourne and Acapulco.
Riddle also highlighted several alarming encounters during her travels, including Airbnb break-ins in Santorini, Ibiza and London that occurred while she was present in all three locales.
In another image, Riddle shows off her wounded bare legs, covered in cuts and scrapes after “getting electrocuted in Eastbourne”.
The influencer reportedly scaled a cliff, “annihilated her legs” in the process, before being shocked by a small electrified fence during a 2022 trip - all in search of the perfect Instagram photos.
Morgan Riddle was allegedly electrocuted in 2022.
Image: Instagram.
However, no incident rattled her more than an alleged attempted kidnapping that took place while attending the 2024 Abierto Mexicano en Acapulco.
While filming the sunset near the beach, Riddle reported that two men attempted to grab her, she quickly sprinted away while screaming for assistance.
“I had to sprint and scream for help from the security guards at the hotel,” she recounted, sharing cellphone footage that captures the chilling moment her would-be assailant vanished behind a tree.
Morgan Riddle detailed an alleged kidnapping in one of her Instagram stories.
Image: Instagram.
Summarising the intensity of her experiences, Riddle reiterated that despite the glamorous allure of travel, the risks cannot be overlooked.
“The tournament did tell us not to go out by ourselves but I wanted a photo of the sunset so this one was also on me lol,” she joked.
“Moral of the story: travel is fun but stay vigilant, ladies," she ended.
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